By Katie Pillion
Vice President, Genesis Background Screening Services
As the focus has turned to regulatory oversight, compliance is the topic to pay attention to in 2016. With more and more class-action lawsuits and concerns over data breaches, it is imperative to get it right.
Whether your policy is not comprehensive enough or you are overdoing it and creating inequities, the most important thing when realigning your policies is to focus on compliance, accuracy and consistency.
One of the primary items that regulators are calling out is false matches. You can avoid this issue by partnering with an official CRA (Consumer Reporting Agency) that will provide you with appropriate standards for an accurate match. And, no qualified CRA should be giving you a raw, unfiltered data; they should be eliminating any data that is not actionable, or usable. That way any hiring decisions that are based on the report will be compliant.
With the continuing increase in FCRA class action lawsuits, you need to pay attention to what puts you at risk. Like most business situations, ignorance is NOT BLISS. As an employer, you have specific obligations under the FCRA regulations. A qualified CRA will provide you with forms, letters, and any tools you need to keep your company in compliance along with a clearly defined list of your responsibilities so that there are no surprises. Don’t let an outdated form or a technical violation cause you to get embroiled in litigation.
Another ongoing trend is the Ban-the-Box movement. Genesis Background Screening Services stays informed on which states are incorporating Ban-the-Box and the updates they continue to enact. Keep an eye on our blog to see if your state will require a change in your application process.
Don’t forget to consider how your company is using technology for talent acquisition. Still behind with ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) integration? If you aren’t partnered with a background screening company that can make your process streamlined for you, then it’s likely the right time to seek out a new provider to help you stay within best practices. For more information, you can call 866 944-0041 ext 106, email or visit