Great Managers and How they Roll!
Whether your employees are at their first job, the middle of their career or on track to retire, one thing they all appreciate are great managers. Bosses can make a huge impact on whether they love their job, barely tolerate it or are consistently looking for any new job to get out the door!
What to look for in great managers may be different depending on the company’s circumstances. However, some qualities are pretty universal.
Here are 5 traits of successful bosses that the majority of employees appreciate and help the company advance their goals
- Bosses that hire smart. Great managers know that having the right staff depends on their ability to make sure each candidate that is considered has the skills AND the ability to fit into the team and company culture.
- Supervisors that understand employees are individuals. A savvy boss will get to know how to get the best from each employee. Strengths, how much supervision they need and what kinds of projects get them fired up and motivated. Teams are not herds!
- Managers that recognize good work. Great managers show appreciation and reward their employees. They also take the time to make sure they give credit where it is due, not just a collective pat on the back.
- Bosses willing to roll up their sleeves. Although great managers need to be stellar at delegating and following up, they get a lot of respect for jumping in and actually helping when it is necessary. Working alongside of employees when things go wrong is a real bonding experience.
- Supervisors that communicate openly and set a positive tone. Great managers that share information, have confidence and display positive energy about a project or assignment can keep their team highly engaged and be very influential for the outcome.
How important are great managers?
Obviously, we all prefer to work for great managers, but how important is it for the company’s success and their bottom line? Just as you might think, it is imperative. Great managers have their hand in so many aspects of the company: hiring, training, motivating, coaching, retaining talent, growing teams and, in many cases, substantial direct contact with clients. If they don’t have the talent and skills to work well with their direct reports, what makes you think they will interact well with your clients?
When you do find the right people, don’t forget to do your due diligence
Use a professional CRA (Consumer Reporting Agency) for your background screening. An experienced CRA will save you time and money while staying in compliance. They will go through all the gathered information and verify that it is accurate.
For a free consultation or more information, contact Genesis Background Screening Services at 866 944-0041 ext 101. Online, you can email or visit You can sign up to be emailed whenever we post a new blog at
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Jacqueline McClure
Genesis Background Screening Services