Best practices for recruiting and hiring
By Jacqueline McClure Genesis Background Screening Services Many companies use and store sensitive information throughout their organization. If you haven’t thought through your processes by making a plan for the type of information you collect, the time you retain it, who has access to it, and how you dispose of it, your company could be at…
Many companies have taken a hard line and won’t consider any applicants who are currently unemployed. Candidates, no matter how qualified and talented they are, who are consistently rejected, will soon join the ranks of the long-term unemployed.
Based on the amount of resumes you receive whenever you have a job posting, you may think that there are always a lot of qualified candidates just ready and waiting for an opportunity like yours, but if you take a closer look at the resumes, you will quickly find out that the majority of them
How can recruiters and HR professionals get more mileage and results from their efforts to find the best employees? The short answer is: target the best employees you recently hired and ask for referrals. Talented, high producers