Jacqueline McClure, Genesis Background Screening Services
Retaining great talent in your company is only a part of the equation of keeping up with and surpassing your competition. Your company culture needs to encourage, implement and reward learning in order to keep your company moving forward.
What can you do to make learning a consistent part of your workplace without breaking the budget or creating havoc with workflow?
- One way is to take advantage of people already in your company that have knowledge they can share. Provide breakfast or lunch and invite your in-house expert to teach a relevant class to your staff. You can get big results for low cost and give teaching experience to the expert.
- Another way is to offer some tuition reimbursement for staff that are committed to go to training that is beneficial for your company. If you do periodic reviews/feedback meetings throughout the year with your employees, it is a good idea to tie learning goals to these meetings. This allows you to make sure the training that interests them looks like a cost effective investment for your upcoming projects and makes it easier to plan your training budget.
- Some training could be as simple as having a good business library in your office or organizing a company book club that gets employees reading and discussing the same business books about strategy, success or management.
- Encourage your experienced employees to be available to mentor newer employees. Do you have innovative and creative high achievers in your company? Whenever possible, find ways to introduce staff to them and allow your less experienced employees to help with projects out of their normal work duties with this highly motivated group.
- As with most business endeavors, finding a way to acknowledge and reward results can help foster enthusiasm. It really is a win-win to help each employee move forward with their skills that help your company while, at the same time, helps them grow in their career.
Partnering with a CRA (Consumer Reporting Agency) that has the services you need to fill in your HR gaps can be a very economical solution. The right partner can help you recruit, integrate your system, perform background screening, drug testing at convenient locations, and provide support throughout the process. Not only can you feel confident that you are bringing the best hire into your company, but you will know that you have done due diligence both legally and ethically for your employees and customers. In addition to accomplishing this at a price that fits your budget, a professional CRA partner pays for it self by avoiding costly hiring mistakes. For more information, contact Genesis Background Screening Services at 866 944-0041 ext 101, email getstarted@gbsspro.com or visit www.gbsspro.com
Genesis Background Screening is not a law firm and provides our blogs for informational purposes only. These blogs should not be considered as a substitute for experienced legal advice. Any laws or regulations mentioned in our blogs need to be researched by your company and any questions you have need to be answered by your legal counsel to be sure your organization is within the law and compliant with regulations.