Jacqueline McClure, Genesis Background Screening Services
Whether you were the interviewer of the interviewee, most of us have been involved in an interview that was not effective. We know what it looks like and we definitely know what it feels like!
At best, traditional interviews don’t bring out the information you really need to make the optimal hiring decision and, at their worst, they can be very ineffective and even illegal.
Here are 3 tips to help you conduct an effective interview:
Tip #1
As with everything concerning business, be prepared. Don’t waste your time or the candidate’s by “winging it.” Have a clear idea of the position, what skills you need for the role, how you need the hire to fit into your existing team and your company’s culture. Knowing your skill requirements, experience and the ideal behaviors you need helps you determine your questions to get the most accurate information from your candidate. If possible, use a team of prepared interviewers so that you have the opportunity to observe the candidate closely while your colleagues are asking questions. And keep it “apples to apples.” Make sure the same questions are asked of all the candidates so that the comparisons are fair.
Do not ask questions that are easily anticipated and can be answered with a few words. The whole idea is to find out more about your candidate than just rote answers. Asking more open-ended questions about business scenarios that they have experienced and how they handled situations will give you much more insight into who they are and what they can bring to your company. Be sure that the questions you do ask are not prohibited by law; if in doubt, check first.
Tip #3
Listen, listen, listen. Most people show their hand pretty easily if you are paying attention. Yes, some people are better at fooling us with a smooth performance. That’s why you want to ask questions that are a little unpredictable so that they don’t have a practiced answer – it is much more likely to see genuine behaviors that are spontaneous and probably more honest. Of course, not everyone is at ease with being interviewed this way, so have a little heart! Give your candidate a little time to think and answer thoughtfully. You aren’t trying to trip them up, the main goal is to see the real person that you are considering.
Partnering with a CRA (Consumer Reporting Agency) that has the services you need to fill in your HR gaps can be a very economical solution. The right partner can help you recruit, integrate your system, perform background screening, provide education and license verification, drug testing at convenient locations, and support throughout the process. Not only can you feel confident that you are bringing the best hire into your company, but you will know that you have done due diligence both legally and ethically for your employees and customers. In addition to accomplishing this at a price that fits your budget, a professional CRA partner pays for it self by avoiding costly hiring mistakes. For more information, contact Genesis Background Screening Services at 866 944-0041 ext 101, email getstarted@gbsspro.com or visit www.genesisbackgroundscreening.com
Genesis Background Screening is not a law firm and provides our blogs for informational purposes only. These blogs should not be considered as a substitute for experienced legal advice. Any laws or regulations mentioned in our blogs need to be researched by your company and any questions you have need to be answered by your legal counsel to be sure your organization is within the law and compliant with regulations.