Why Should You Consider a Candidate Without A College Degree?
Does your application process automatically eliminate a candidate without a college degree? Obviously, there are many jobs that require a degree, but there are a lot of roles that don’t. Turning down talented, experienced workers for lack of a degree can be a lazy way of weeding through your applicants.
When unemployment was high, employers could afford to use this short-sighted system, but now when demand for good workers is so competitive, it’s time to rethink your requirements.
In a perfect world, everyone would have a college degree and come to you trained to do exactly what you need. As you know from experience, this rarely, if ever, happens.
First, not everyone had the opportunity to go to college
A candidate without a college degree may have had family responsibilities, financial obstacles or even disabilities. This doesn’t make them less talented or diminish their ability to be productive in the workplace. And, in fact, many people without degrees become life-long learners taking classes to upgrade their skills throughout their career. Everyone’s path is unique to them.
Second, college is not the end all for every individual, although education is key
Whether that means a traditional college experience or a series of classes, work experience, certifications, talent development and drive, the end result should be the value of what they bring to your organization.
And third, some of the most talented, creative people just do not do well in academic life
Their special talent may lend more to being entrepreneurial. They may be self-taught, self-directed and honing their talents throughout their whole life. They may offer solutions to your company that are unique and valuable beyond someone who’s main qualification is that they have a college degree.
I don’t want to minimize the value of a good education or the discipline it takes to get through college and prepare for a career. Many people have made great sacrifices and invested in their education. However, pushing each student into college ignores the fact that it isn’t the optimal path for everyone. And, I hate to see good applicants eliminated without any consideration just because they didn’t follow the traditional college path.
Whether you choose an applicant with a degree or a candidate without a college degree that has learned on the job and brings their skills to your company, make sure to perform due diligence with professional background screening
Partnering with a professional CRA (Consumer Reporting Agency) that has the services you need to fill in your HR gaps can be an economical solution. The right CRA partner can provide you with convenient drug testing locations, help you recruit, integrate your system, perform background screening, provide education and license verification and support throughout the hiring process.
Feel confident that you are bringing the best hire into your company by having done due diligence both legally and ethically for your employees and customers. A professional CRA partner pays for itself by avoiding costly hiring mistakes. For a free consultation or more information, contact Genesis Background Screening Services at 866 944-0041 ext 101. Online, email or visit www.genesisbackgroundscreening.com. You can sign up to be emailed whenever we post a new blog at https://genesisbackgroundscreening.com/blog/
Genesis Background Screening is not a law firm and provides our blogs for informational purposes only. Blog is not a substitute for experienced legal advice. Research laws or regulations mentioned in our blogs and ask your legal counsel any questions you have to be sure your organization is within the law and compliant with regulations.
Jacqueline McClure
Genesis Background Screening Services