Stop Whining About Work!
Most employees spend 10 or more hours per month whining, complaining, or listening to others complain, about their bosses or the upper management in their company. And if you count the whining they do about their peers or direct reports, it’s even more. What do you think you could do with that time if you reclaimed it? Or think about if you added up those hours company-wide and figured out the annual loss. Wow, when you put it that way, it sounds bad!
Then think about how often we take this negative behavior home with us and subject our families and friends to this long list of complaints and petty annoyances we experience every day in the workplace. Sure, you may just be blowing off steam, but is it helping anyone to spread around such negative, uncomfortable feelings?
Why is whining so prevalent?
Anger, stress, frustration and a feeling of powerlessness build up at work, when we are dissatisfied with how someone is behaving. It can be something big or an accumulation of small things that build up, but it is literally causing you to feel physical discomfort. When you are whining or complaining it helps you to release this pent-up energy and gives some temporary relief.
So why does whining hurt you?
When you are complaining you may feel better in the moment, but you are spreading your negative feelings to others. You aren’t working with the person who is causing you the problem to try and solve anything. And, over time, whining reinforces and promotes dissatisfaction. You may also be causing people to take sides, impact trust and erode the company culture.
Replace complaining with courage
If you have a complaint, have the courage to approach the person you have the complaint with. Think it through and be thoughtful in your communication. Take a few deep breaths and don’t react negatively. Setting reasonable boundaries or asking someone to change their behavior is much more productive than going behind their back and complaining about them to all who will listen. Not only will you stop wasting time whining, you may actually improve your situation at work as well.
Start with the best hires
Using a professional CRA (Consumer Reporting Agency) for your pre-employment or vendor screening services will save you time and money. For a free consultation or more information, contact Genesis Background Screening Services at 866 944-0041 ext 101. Online, you can email or visit You can sign up to be emailed whenever we post a new blog at
Genesis Background Screening is not a law firm and provides our blogs for informational purposes only. Blog is not a substitute for experienced legal advice. Research laws or regulations mentioned in our blogs and ask your legal counsel any questions you have to be sure your organization is within the law and compliant with regulations.
Jacqueline McClure
Genesis Background Screening Services