business training classroom

Do You Invest In Employees?

For small businesses especially, there is often no budget allocated for employee training and development.  Once the onboarding process is over, that’s it! This lack of planning for your company’s future needs can end up costing you more in the long run. You will be scrambling to catch up to your competitors who have an employee development program. Their program will help them be innovative and ready for the new opportunities that their company takes on!

business resolution for 2019

Happy New Year, Have You Made Your Business Resolution List?

A lot of people make at least one New Year’s resolution in their personal life, but not everyone thinks about making a business resolution list for their work life. A good place to start on your business resolution list is to review your company goals. Most of those goals depend on your workforce being up to the task. Do you have the talent and leadership you need to get your company to the next level? Connect the dots. If you are missing the talent and leadership you need, maybe the right resolutions can start you on a better path.

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Holiday Safety

However you celebrate the season, holiday safety needs to be top of mind. Traditions can be a wonderful way to bring family and friends together, but can also pose some substantial risks. Especially for anyone who lives in dry climates, fire is one of the primary risks during the holiday season

vote message with megaphone

Politics At Work-Should You Keep Quiet?

Whether or not you are typically interested in politics, right now it is hard to ignore the heated topics that are relentlessly thrust in front of us every day. With all the time we spend at work with colleagues, it is natural to want to discuss topics that are on our minds. Everyone has their own opinion which should be respected. However, I don’t remember a time when I have seen so many people passionately and combatively at odds with each other.

cartoon woman at stacked up desk

Is Rest and Renewal Part of Your Workday?

A colleague of mine that was having a bad day told me something that has stayed with me for over 20 years. She said, “With the right health, motivation and training almost anyone can run a marathon, but not every day!” Of course, she said this in utter despair at the time because her job was running her into the ground. However, it made me realize how often we just keep racing through our day without

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Seasonal Workers – It’s That Time Again Already!

Believe it or not, the holiday season is almost upon us again!  It’s the time of year when many businesses, especially retail and hospitality, hire temporary seasonal workers to help with increased holiday demand. With unemployment rates low, competition to find the additional workers you need is going to be fierce!